Creatives, Speakers, Leaders, Voice Artists, Actors, Performers and Business Professionals ...

Do you struggle to tap into the truth, expression and 

full range of your emotions in your work and in your life?

Do you know this is hindering your creative expression, 

your business growth and your communication success?

Do you find yourself cut off from your feelings 

or are you overwhelmed by them?


Are you unsure of how to harness the true power 

of your emotions to create lasting impact? 

Business Professionals, Speakers and Leaders - So you have great information that you want to share with your teams and your audience, but you often find you're getting a lukewarm response to your ideas and programs.

Creatives, Voice Artists, Actors and Performers - You have wonderful creative work to share. And you have studied and worked on your creative techniques and processes, but casting and producers just aren’t hiring you, and your audience is not growing fast enough. 

Here is why you are STUCK

You can not move and inspire your audience into action - if THEY don't FEEL something when YOU are expressing, teaching, presenting or performing.

And it all starts with you. 

They won’t feel anything if you don’t feel anything.

This means you have to be free, empowered and willing enough to express truthful honest emotions, not half-muted feelings and truths.


When you know how to connect to your emotions and know how to use them to empower yourself, you can freely channel your emotions into your work and life and then everything changes for the good.

Many people struggle when trying to express their emotions in their lives and work. How do you hold yourself back?

FEAR: You may be afraid of showing your vulnerability, of being judged or rejected, or of exposing your innermost thoughts and feelings.

SELF-DOUBT: You may doubt your ability to express emotions convincingly or worry that your emotions will come across as fake or insincere. 

DISTRACTION: In today's world, you are constantly bombarded by distractions. You're too busy, preoccupied, or overwhelmed by the demands of daily life, and you're not sure how to focus on freeing up your feelings.

EMOTIONAL REPRESSION: Many of us learned to repress our emotions as a way of coping with difficult situations. We may need to work through our emotional blocks before we can use our emotions effectively in our work and creative process.


As a performer your feelings are the raw material that you use to create characters, stories, and worlds.

In business your honest emotions help you to connect authentically with your clients and move your audience into action. 

What if you could…

Finally, get out of your head and into your body to express your authentic feelings  

Tap into your true emotional expression in any performance, audition, presentation or talk

Learn proven techniques  to unleash and empower your feelings and vulnerability

Have a process to create compelling impactful work, and interactions every time

After working with thousands of actors, voice artists, singers, speaker, leaders and creatives I ultimately developed ...

A unique and powerful approach to unlocking your emotional range, using a combination of cutting-edge techniques and proven methods.

Whether you're working on set, on a stage production, on a voiceover project, a concert or performance, leading a workshop, speaking on a podcast or summit, or any other creative endeavor...

This course will equip you with the tools and techniques you need to fully express your emotions and connect with your audience on a deep and meaningful level.

Find And Empower Your Feelings Course Reviews

What Students are Experiencing

"There was no way for me to know Faith’s Find & Empower Your Feelings class would change everything for me!  I now understand what it means to be in my body and not in my head after a career in academia.  I know what it is to feel emotions in the body and in the moment.  

I would recommend Faith’s "Find & Empower Your Feelings" class to all creatives; voice actors, singers, even writers. To be able to reach deep inside and really feel what it is to have full access to all the power and nuance of our human emotions is invaluable to living our art authentically.  

Faith’s process and methodology are honest and respectful, and gently draw us out of a place of fear of exposure to being able to express honest vulnerability.  This has been an experience like no other for me.  Thank you, Faith!"

- Cris Hernandez, Voice-Over Artist, Singer and Writer

"Find & Empower Your Feelings taught by Faith has been one of the most impactful courses I have taken as an artist. Faith's hands-on approach to working in a small group has given me the ability to dive in and expand on specific emotions we are working on based on where our body holds these emotions and how to harness them. It has deepened my ability to emote more authentically as a voiceover artist. 

This course with Faith really has the power to launch an artist to another level and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to level up their creative game!"

- Stephen Rios, VO Artist, Writer

"Through Find & Empower Your Feelings classes with Faith Rumer, I experienced and learned to recognize my feelings and where those feelings commonly reside in my physical body.  Faith provided the safe space to tap into my emotions, work with them, and most importantly, release them.

This is a helpful class not only for actors and business professionals but everyone because we all have emotions to release and heal. I only wish there were more than 8 classes to practice the Emotional Connection Technique."

- Pam Crum, business professional, Voice-Over Artist

     “I discovered my inner voice. Previously, I was cut off from expression in several emotional veins such as anger, disappointment and sadness and through the tools and techniques that Faith introduced I found access to a strength that I wasn’t fully aware of that cut through all the analytical thinking and excuses and let me learn to breathe, express my truth and then fully feel all my emotions including courage and resolve. 

     This is a huge win to help me as a healer and teacher and I look forward to using what I have learned in my business as a teacher and healer.”


     - Sue Greenberg, Change practitioner and consultant

Your Transformation Awaits

Enroll in "Find and Empower Your Feelings" and experience a metamorphosis that transcends your creative realm. This 8-week course is meticulously curated for creative professionals, speakers, and heartfelt leaders like you, who are committed to unlocking their true emotional potential. 

Join us and let the world bear witness as you step into a new era of authenticity, resonance, creative mastery and emotional truth in your work and personal life.


🌈 The Time Is Now


Don't wait any longer to embark on this transformative journey. Your authenticity is your greatest asset, and it's time to unleash it upon the world. Elevate your performances, captivate with your speeches, and inspire through your workshops like never before. Become the creative force you were always meant to be.


Your audience is waiting. Your authentic emotions are calling. Will you answer?

Overall Course Curriculum

This curriculum aims to provide a comprehensive and practical approach to unlocking the emotional range, and empowering your ability to feel and express your feelings.

Learn the exact processes and techniques to free and empower your own emotions that have worked for my professional working clients over and over again.

Every week for 8 weeks we will meet together on Zoom to get expert coaching as I guide you to embody your own emotional power and freedom in your creative work.

All live calls will be recorded. So even if you can't make the class that week, you will still have access to the live teaching. 


May 29th  - July 24th

(No class July 3rd)

11:30am - 1:30pm PT / 2:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Each week we will:

  • Explore your emotions & work with expressing them to expand your emotional range with the Emotional Awareness Practice
  • Remove the blocks that are keeping you from vulnerable and authentic expression
  • Interact with other students with my revolutionary Emotional Connection Technique
  • Employ my Emotional Power and Freedom Process to fully open up your entire emotional range
  • Apply your free emotional expression to expressive short dialogues and monologues (don't worry if you're not an actor, everyone has success in this process and find it exciting.)

The Proven Processes and Exercises You Learn Will Help You:

  • Identify and connect with your own emotions and feelings
  • Discover how to effectively use your  body to fully express those authentic emotions 
  • Develop physical awareness and control in expressing your emotions in your work and in your life
  • Learn to use your full vocal range to express your emotions

The techniques and processes we will work on are effective for all kinds of creative artists and business professionals, and are designed to help you fully bring your honest, truthful and impactful emotions into your performances, presentations, and speaking opportunities. 

Our voice is a unique expression of who we are, and when we suppress it, we suppress our emotions as well.

This 8-week class is dedicated and designed to find and free up your blocked emotions and then use your free voice to powerfully express them. 

Getting out of your head and into your body allows you to use the power of your vocal energy and the body to explore those unlocked emotions in all of your work. 

Bonuses Included In This Class

Grounded & Centered Package

  • Performance Confidence Meditation (Value $49)

  • Monday Mindset Meditations (Value $149)

  • PDF Vocal Warmup (Value $29)

  • Confidence Boost Mini Course for Actors and Performers ($97 Value)

  • Confidence Boost Mini Course for Speakers & Leaders ($97 Value)

  • Original Dialogue Scripts for Practicing the Emotional Connection Technique ($49 Value)

It is important to note that emotional exploration and expression can be deeply personal and require a supportive and safe learning environment. You will receive encouraging feedback and emotional support to help you progress and grow in your emotional range.


  • What if I'm not sure this is right for me. Can I talk to you about it?

    Please email me at [email protected] We'll schedule a call together and make sure the course is a right fit for you right now.

  • When does the Course start?

    Classes run from May 29th - July 24th, 2024 - every Wednesday. Our first Teaching/Coaching Call is on Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 at 11:30 am PT / 2:30pm ET. This call will be recorded. You'll get the details for those calls in your Welcome Email and it's posted in your class portal. You have live coaching with Faith for 2 full months.

  • What will I get access to when I register?

    As soon as you register for the program, you get INSTANT access to your bonus PDF Vocal Assessment, Original Dialogue Scripts, Audition Prep Meditation and Confidence Boost Mini Course Assessment. So you can start your preparation for the class even before we begin. You'll have access to course content when we officially begin together.

  • When are the live calls?

    Our Live Teaching/Coaching Calls begin on May 29th, 2024. There are 8 live Training Calls. We will meet Wednesdays, from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Pacific Time / 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Eastern Time

  • Will the calls be recorded? What if I can't make them?

    All calls are virtual and conducted on Zoom. Yes, all calls are recorded. If you can't make them, don't worry. The recordings will be added to your membership portal that you can access at any time.

  • I've tried other courses that didn't help. How is this different?

    This course delivers transformation in THREE CRITICAL ARENAS - Body, Mind and Spirit - to dynamically increase your impact. By the end of the program, you will experience transformation, growth and increased confidence in accessing your emotional range for your creative work and emotional balance in your life!

  • Will this work for me?

    Yes! These are the same techniques, tools, processes and practices that have worked for thousands of my clients from all over the world, to increase their emotional range and access. If you follow the proven frameworks and strategies in the programs and bonuses, this will 100% work for you. By the end, you will not be the same person that started this program.

Faith Rumer has helped people all over the world develop an authentic expression of their gifts & talents that they love

I've worked with thousands of voice, singing and acting students, creative performers and business leaders over the years. My clients include Academy-Award winning actors, Grammy-winning singer-songwriters, film, television and recording stars and comedians, world-class entrepreneurs and speakers, an NBC television host, social media influencers and YouTube and Podcast hosts. 

I hold a Master's Degree is in Speech Pathology/ Voice Therapy / Communication Disorders, and I did my internship at USC County Medical Center, where I helped patients with all kinds of voice injuries.

My students love the power and freedom they’ve found by opening up their voice and emotions. Their commitment to developing their own authentic voice and opening up their emotional range has made a dramatic difference in their professional and personal lives. And it brings me such joy to see and hear about their successes.

In our work together, I have witnessed their profound transformation. They finally release self-judgments and doubts, truly value their own voice, gifts and talents and create the life they want. 

As a transformational speaker, singer, songwriter, life coach and author I am committed to using my own voice to make a difference in the world.

  • MA Speech Pathology/ Voice Therapy/ Communication
  • Certified MindValley Life Coach
  • Certified MindValley Meditation Trainer
  • Certified Happy for No Reason Trainer
  • Licensed Agape International Counselor/ Practitioner

Watch Intro Video

Faith coaches The Try Guys: YouTube Sensation with over 7 million followers

What is it worth to you to experience greater confidence, have more success, and make a bigger impact in your work?

For the Actor, Voice Artist, Creative Performer, Business Entrepreneur or Leader, developing a powerful, expressive emotional range and authenticity leads to:

  • Increased success in your work and personal life

  • Making more money and having more opportunities

  • Creating a greater impact and reaching more people

  • Self-expansion, fulfillment and maximizing your potential

Today is the day you can change your career and your life!

What's Included:

  • Find and Empower Your Feelings: 8 week Live Online Class (Normally $797)
  • Audition Prep Meditation ($49 Value)
  • Monday Mindset Meditations ($149 Value)
  • PDF Vocal Warmup ($29 Value)
  • Confidence Boost for Actors and Performers ($97 Value)
  • Confidence Boost Mini Course for Speakers & Leaders ($97 Value)
  • Original Dialogue Scripts for practicing the ECT ($49 Value)

TOTAL VALUE of $1,267

Find and Empower Your Feelings: 8 week Live Online Class - Starts May 29th, 2024 / 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET

A transformative class designed to Unlock your Emotional Range so you experience Emotional Balance in your life, and create Truthful, Compelling, Memorable Work that consistently impacts your audience.

Faith Can Help You Too!

A Key Player In My Career

"I’ve been working with Faith for years now. When we first started, I struggled with tapping into my emotions. Faith helped me develop strong skills and emotional processes that have benefited me tremendously. She's coached me on numerous projects, leading to bookings. Her passion is infectious!” - Corrinne Foxx, Actress, TV Host & Producer

Be Freely Expressive and Real

For comedy or drama, every actor and performer needs an expressive and connected voice to convey the depth, range and emotional life of their characters and story. My client Anna Diop, Star of HBO Max series Titans has to have a strong emotional and expressive instrument. 

Faith is a miracle worker

"She has made a notable difference not only in my voice-over work but in the way I approach the art itself. In a short few weeks my reads have taken on a more conversational and emotional tone. Faith is someone every voice artist needs to know." — Spencer Krull (Voice-Over Artist)

I feel really confident now

“I now have a completely different mindset for me moving forward.  It’s the first time I actually felt really confident with my craft and expressing my emotions, like I could become really competitive. Instead of I don't know how to do that, or how do people do this, now I know I have tools to succeed. - Melody Alice , VO Artist

Get Ahead In Your Craft

“If you want to get ahead in your craft, if you want to free up your instrument and loosen up and open up Faith has the ideal class. Thank you for helping me uncover the connection between my voice and my body and my feelings.” —  Alex Huynh (Stuntman/Actor) Sherlock Holmes, Pirates of the Caribbean 

Clear Up Any Blocks

Faith Rumer is incredible! She has an uncanny ability to see into the soul of the actor and clear up blocks (mental or physical) then works with you to open your instrument. — Elijah Allan-Blitz (Film & TV Actor)

I Found My True Voice

“I have been a professional stand-up comedian for 13 years and it wasn't until I took both Faith's Voice Class that I found my true voice on stage.  She helps you to connect your voice to your body. Thanks Faith.”  — Jaylyn Bishop (Actor, Comedian)