Increase Your Confidence & Authenticity, Get Noticed, and Book More Exciting Work

With Vocal Power & Freedom Package for The Actor, Voice Artist & Performer you have full access to 3 full courses designed just for you! 

And you can start today at home!

This package is for you if…

You want to get noticed by casting, open doors to opportunity, & book better work

You want to connect even deeper with your emotions, your text & your audience

You need a more powerful, expressive voice to create greater impact

You need a strong and healthy voice for your career longevity

You want to create more believable authentic characters or character voices

Often when it comes down to two people that a director is considering casting, the one with a great voice will have more impact and they will get the job.

You don’t want to lose an acting or performance job because your voice is not expressive, powerful, or free enough

As an Actor, Voice Artist or Performer you use your voice professionally every day.

You need to count on your voice to have control, power, and expression when you are in rehearsal, on-set, or practicing your scenes and monologues. 

You need to count on your voice to represent you and to be your calling card when you are in meetings with directors, and/or when you’re making the first impression that matters so much. You want to be remembered!

You need to count on your voice to communicate and be likable when you’re making your videos for social media, hosting a podcast, or YouTube Channel.

Today, you can finally change your career by giving yourself

The Most Effective Acting & Performance Communication Tool

A Powerful and Expressive Voice!

This Bundle includes these 3 online courses.

You can purchase these courses separately, but this week I've bundled them together for you for a special price! Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.

VOCAL POWER & FREEDOM: Online Voice & Speech Training Foundational Course - build Your dynamic & authentic vocal instrument

VOCAL POWER & FREEDOM - Online Voice & Speech Training for the Actor, Voice Artist & Performer - build your authentic & expressive artistic vocal instrument.

CONFIDENCE BOOST: Build Your Performance and Communication Confidence - for Actors, Voice Artists & Performers

Your Voice Is Your Expressive Signature

Think About It...

Your voice is your Expressive Signature both personally and when you’re acting, working as a voice artist or performing. People know you by your voice. And the people you connect with will respond to how your voice makes them feel. 

So, how do casting directors, directors, the audience, and even your acting teacher respond to your voice?

Do they immediately seem comfortable around you?

Are you able to effectively utilize their notes in your next take?

Can you easily make adjustments in the sound of your voice?

Do they keep asking you to “give more” in your performances?

Or do you sometimes get the note that you’re “pushing” in your acting?

More importantly - What is really going on with your voice? 

You wish you had more variety in your voice

You want to have a more expressive voice but don’t know how

You want to fully express your character’s feelings

Your voice sometimes give out on you when you have to scream

You need help finding and developing character voices 

Like it or not – your voice is a big part of your acting and performing and affects how much work you will book, and how people perceive you. 

So, it’s important that you can trust your voice and that you feel confident every time you have to deliver. 

Find your voice and create a lasting impact every time

What You Get In Your 3-Course Voice & Speech Online Training Package / Course 1


29 Essential Voice Training Lessons/ 6 Modules with Over 2 Hours of Voice-Changing Videos

WELCOME MODULE  Find out how the voice works and learn about vocal anatomy. You also get a PDF assessment to discover what is going on with your voice right now, and a way to track your progress.

MODULE 1  will give you extraordinary results in opening your voice. You’ll begin to get rid of the #1 enemy of your voice – TENSION. 

MODULE 2  focuses on aligning your body. You'll be discovering how to use your body to support your voice with a strong skeletal system. .

MODULE 3  contains powerful exercises to develop your breath and vocal support. You'll gain vocal strength that feels natural and free. 

MODULE 4  focuses on creating vocal power. These lessons will give your voice the power and freedom to fully express yourself.

MODULE 5  will help you increase the natural beauty and resonance of your voice. These lessons will add overtones and extra harmonics to your voice to really wake it up.

MODULE 6  Now that your voice is open, powerful and resonant you’ll be given lessons to help you create beautiful and articulate speech so that you can more fully get your message across.

BONUS MODULE   puts it all together for you. You'll receive a 15-minute Daily Vocal Warm-up Video so you can continue to  keep your voice tuned up.

Each core lesson exercise is designed to be effective and actionable so that you can start using the lesson in your daily life right away. It won't take years to make a difference. 

Course 2

THE PROFESSIONAL VOICE & SPEECH COURSE for Actors, Voice Artists & Performers (Normally $497)

5 Powerful Modules/ 19 Innovative Lessons / 96 minutes of Career changing Video Lessons 

MODULE 1  You’ll discover how developing your voice will be the key to taking your acting to another level in a very short time. You’ll also get some essential guidelines about how to practice your vocal training.

MODULE 2  (4 Video Lessons) You’ll be building a more expressive voice. You’ll be adding more variety to your voice by practicing my Intonation Pattern Exercises and using my Emotional Tone Technique to naturally add even more emotion to your vocal delivery.

MODULE  3  (7 Video Lessons) You’ll be introduced to my revolutionary “Voice & Body Connection Technique.” With this technique you’ll be using your voice and body to connect meaning and emotions to a scene. In this module you’ll be guided through the process on both a Dialogue Scene and a Monologue. Then you’ll be given expert guidance about how to apply this innovative technique to your own scenes and monologues.

MODULE 4  (2 Video Lessons) I’ll be teaching you how to scream without hurting your voice. This is a must for every actor. You can’t afford to lose your voice. You’ll be using a very natural way of screaming that protects your voice and makes your scream super powerful.

MODULE 5  (4 Video Lessons) I’ll take you through some wonderful voice exercises for the Voice-Over Actor. I’ll help you warm up your vocal folds and play around with your voice to add variety and color to your voice and speech. Then you’ll learn how to find different vocal qualities and voices for creating Character Voices. And you’ll learn the 3 steps to creating a believable and authentic accent.

***PLUS this Bonus

50% off A Personal Voice Assessment with Faith

Course 3

CONFIDENCE MINI BOOST for Actors, Voice Artists & Performers (Normally $97)

Taking the first step forward to have rock solid confidence and create a bigger impact whenever you’re engaging your audience!

This is your Confidence Boost Mini Course where you’ll be taking a communication confidence assessment & also going through a process to help get rid of Imposter Syndrome.

When you take this assessment you’re going to accurately know and discover your strengths and your weaknesses, and then you’ll know what action to take to improve your communication and become the powerful artist you always dreamed of being.

Best of all, you can try this package RISK FREE. If you definitely do the exercises in the course and don’t experience your voice starting to change for the better, just ask for a full refund within 14 days. I'm that confident you will get great results - and it’s that simple to get started.

What Faith’s Clients Are Saying…

"She works with the best because she is the best!"

— Aaron Speiser (Acting Coach for Will Smith, Jennifer Lopez, Gerard Butler & Virginia Madsen)

“Faith Rumer is without doubt the finest voice and dialect coach I’ve had the pleasure of working with in my 40 years in the business. Her passion, skill and techniques are simple and extremely effective."

Success Corner - Confidence Hosting on National TV!

Faith Rumer coaching Akbar Gbaja-Biamila, star and host of NBC’s AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR. 

And now Akbar is Co-Host for CBS's THE TALK.

When Akbar and I started working together, he had retired as an NFL football player and was pursuing a career as a sports analyst for the NFL. In our coaching sessions he gained confidence and strength in his voice and presentation skills. People started to notice. 

Then he got the opportunity to host American Ninja Warrior, but this was a very different way of using his voice and body. So, I coached him through developing an even more expressive voice and presentation. 

Akbar has been successfully hosting American Ninja Warrior since 2015. His expressive communication skills have been a foundational part of his job security. 

 And now he's the new co-host for CBS's The TalkCan’t argue with a success marker like longevity in an entertainment career.

"Faith, thank you so much for the part you played in helping me confidently tune my instrument. The voice is such a powerful instrument in so many ways and no one teaches that better than you." — Akbar Gbaja-Biamila 

To be hired as a working professional actor, voice artist, or performer voice training is vital

You make greater daily demands on your voice.

You often use your voice for long hours, sometimes in situations that are quite stressful. When I worked with Anna Diop, she was starring in the Fox TV show, 24: Legacy. Every scene she was in required something different of her voice. She was screaming in terror in one scene, having a loud argument in the next and then in the next scene she had to be very intimate. I coached her for several months before she started shooting, so she could be voice ready for the set with no fear of losing it. 


An expressive voice gives you the competitive edge. 

Meryl Streep is a master at creating different vocal inflections, qualities and accents. Actors like Morgan Freeman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Seth MacFarland, Robin Williams and Scarlet Johanson all are instantly recognizable and have long and incredible careers. Why? With all of them, their expressive voice is their signature and that gives them the competitive edge.  This can be you.


A great voice expands the type of work opportunities that are available for you. 

Do you want to add Voice-Over to a way to make more money as an Actor? Then you will need a great voice that you can count on! How about hosting a podcast or a TV show?  Or becoming a social media influencer? Your voice will be your signature! Especially in these times where everything has moved online, you can now open possibilities for work.


You can’t afford to lose your voice.

Your voice needs to stay healthy and strong. Adam Conover, the host for the TV show, Adam Ruins Everything creates so many funny voices and ways of speaking that his voice was becoming fatigued by the long hours on the set. I worked with him on his voice to make sure his voice would hold up. He happily reported to me that his voice is now doing fine.

“Without Faith's help I wouldn't have the success I enjoy now.”

"As an entrepreneur, I can either leave the room signing a lucrative deal or leave empty handed. Faith coached me into pitching my ideas with confidence, clarity, charisma and poise. Without a doubt, one of the best coaches I’ve had." — Horecee St.Cyr, Actor, Owner of Interstellar Media/ Producer at BET & MTV

Faith Can Help You Too!

A Key Player In My Career

"Faith helped me develop strong vocal projection and enunciation skills that have benefited me tremendously. I’ve been working with Faith for years now. When we first started, I struggled with tapping into my voice and projection. She's also coached me on numerous projects, leading to bookings. Her passion is infectious!” - Corrinne Foxx, Actress, TV Host & Producer

Faith is a miracle worker

"She has made a notable difference not only in my voice-over work but in the way I approach the art itself. In a short few weeks my reads have taken on a more conversational tone and I can tackle longer passages of copy with ease. Faith is someone every speaker needs to know." — Spencer Krull (Voice-Over Artist)

I Now Have the Tools to Succeed

“I don't think if I hadn't taken this course and worked with Faith, that I'd be progressing at the rate that I want to be. It's given me a better technique and things to work on. I now have a completely different mindset for me moving forward. Instead of I don't know how to do that, or how do people do this? Now I know I have tools the succeed.  It’s the first time I actually felt really confident, like I could become really competitive. - Melody Alice , VO Artist

Get Ahead In Your Craft

“If you want to get ahead in your craft, if you want to free up your instrument and loosen up and open up Faith has the ideal class. Thank you for helping me uncover the connection between my voice and my body.” —  Alex Huynh (Stuntman/Actor) Sherlock Holmes, Pirates of the Caribbean 

I Found My True Voice

“I have been a professional stand-up comedian for 13 years and it wasn't until I took both Faith's Voice Class that I found my true voice on stage.  She helps you to connect your voice to your body. Thanks Faith.”  — Jaylyn Bishop (Actor, Comedian)

Impeccable Ear for Accents

Faith Rumer is incredible! Her ear for accents and dialects is impeccable. She also has an uncanny ability to see into the soul of the actor and clear up blocks (mental or physical) then works with you to open your instrument. — Elijah Allan-Blitz (Film & TV Actor)

Migraines Disappeared

“My Doctor noticed a huge change with my jaw alignment, the place of my tongue when I speak and the reduction of stress. He asked me what I’ve done differently, I told him about Faith Rumer’s voice class. He encouraged me to continue the classes. Not only have my migraines gone away, my jaw is improving, Faith helped me find the tone of my voice that makes me feel confident.” — Nadia Garcia Sanders

Faith coaches The Try Guys — YouTube Sensation with over 7 million followers

Faith Rumer has helped people all over the world develop a voice that they love

I’ve worked with thousands of voice students over the years, including Academy-Award winning actors, Grammy-winning singer-songwriters, film, television and recording stars and comedians, world-class entrepreneurs and speakers, an NBC television host, social media influencers and YouTube and Podcast hosts. I also help teachers, students, ministers, women executives, and people in sales. My Master's Degree is in Speech Pathology/ Voice Therapy, and I did my internship at USC County Medical Center, where I helped patients with all kinds of voice injuries.

My students love the power and freedom they’ve found in their new voice. Their commitment to developing a better sounding voice has made a dramatic difference in their professional and personal lives. And it brings me such joy to see and hear about their successes. 

I wanted to reach more people and bring these great vocal techniques to a wider audience, to help more of you find that same vocal power and freedom.

So, I created an easy to use system that could be accessed from your own home at any time, where you can comfortably work on your voice every day. 

This 3 Course Amazing Package is valued at over $1,000. And usually sells for $647. But today you can get it for $597.

Enter Your Coupon at Checkout

What is it worth to you to experience greater confidence, have more success, and make a bigger impact in your life?

For the Professional Actor, Voice Artist or Performer developing a powerful, expressive and free voice leads to:

  • Increased success 

  • Making more money

  • The ability to make a greater impact in your work

People will perceive you differently when you develop and change your voice from the voice you have now to the voice you want to have. 

When you have a more resonant, powerful and expressive voice you will have a new found confidence in yourself. Your life will change!

You are going to love the new voice that will be yours after this course!

Begin right now in your own home

Today is the day you can change your voice and your life

Developing a powerful, articulate and expressive voice is the single most critical difference between being just adequate or stunningly memorable.

Get the competitive edge in all your communications